Elections 2024
The 2024 elections are quickly approaching, and the Greater Naples Chamber is committed to making sure the business community is informed and engaged during this election cycle.
There’s no reason for community members not to cast a ballot this election cycle. From vote-by-mail and early voting opportunities to showing up at your designated polling place on election day, Collier County voters have plenty of opportunities to let their voice be heard.
Important Dates:
General Election Day: November 5
The Greater Naples Chamber strongly supports the Collier County Public School's tax-neutral referendum on the November 5 ballot. This referendum provides the school district the flexibility it needs to ensure that our students continue to receive a high-quality and well-rounded education without increasing taxes.
At the Chamber, we work each day to provide economic opportunity to all our community members. We cannot do that without a thriving school system. If approved, this referendum will give Collier County Public Schools the resources it needs to guarantee students are career and life ready.
Collier County Public Schools' Tax-Neutral Referendum requests that voters allow the school district to reduce up to .35 mill in capital taxes and increase up to .35 mill in operating taxes without adding extra cost to taxpayers.

Public schools are funded by local, state and federal tax dollars. There are two types of funding "buckets" available: capital and operating.
Capital funds pay for facilities, building maintenance, equipment and debt.
Operating funds pay for staff (including teachers, office support, bus drivers, etc.), utilities, special programs, athletics and more.
Both types of funding "buckets" are governed by state statute (law). One "bucket" of funds cannot be used to pay expenses from the other bucket. For example, funds that are used for facilities, equipment and busses cannot be used to pay teacher salaries or fund programs.
In order to have the flexibility of moving funds from one "bucket" to the other, a public vote is required through a referendum.
We encourage you to vote yes on this important referendum
Collier County Board of Commissioners
Collier County Commission Diesrrict 1 Collier County Commissioner Rick LoCastro will face write-in candidate Michaela Kendall in the November general election. Only registered voeters living in District 1 can vote for the District 1 commissioner.
Michaela Kendall (write-in)
Greater Naples Fire District
The Greater Naples Fire Rescue District Board of Directors is resonsible for overseeing the larger responsibilities of the district, including compliance with state and general mandates, preserving the districts assets and adopting an annual budget.
Two seats, representing the East Naples and the Golden Gate divisions, are on the November ballot.

Collier Mosquito Control District Board
The Collier Mosquito Control District is an independent special district created in 1950 for the special purpose of controlling mosquitoes. There is a Collier Mosquito Control District Board seat on the ballot in November.
- Collier Supervisor of Elections Office
- Early Voting Locations
- Request a Vote-By-Mail Ballot
- Election Day information
- 2024 Election Primers from Sparker’s Soapbox
Lee County voters can find more information, such as how to request a ballot or where to find early voting locations, at Lee.Vote.
Electioneering Policy
The Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce and the Leadership Collier Foundation encourage its members and alumni to be informed, engaged and involved in local, regional and state government. However, electioneering activities in support of, or in opposition to, a candidate or cause, unless related to a previously stated Chamber position, is prohibited at Chamber or Leadership events, including, but not limited to, Wake Up Naples, Business After 5 and Leadership Lunches.
The Chamber and the Leadership Collier Foundation also prohibits paid or unpaid electioneering communications in support of, or in opposition to, a candidate or cause, unless related to a previously stated Chamber position, from being placed on its social media, websites or newsletters.